Tuesday 3 November 2009

LORD SHIVA-the innocent yet fierce

"Let eyes grow dim and heart grow faint
And friendship fail and love betray,
Let fate its hundred horrors send

And clotted darkness block t
he way-
All nature wear one a
ngry frown
To crush you out- still know, my soul,
You are Divine- March on and on,
Nor right nor left but to the goal
Take refuge in Him ,
the one who is the destroyer of ignorance,
the destroyer of the densest darkness in man,

the embodiment of knowledge.,
the one who is the bondage breaker,
refuge of mind and speech,
embodiment of blessed qualities, realm of reason;who renounce the pride
of caste ,name and fame..,
the one who is so simple in his looks,
simple in conduct, simple at heart.,
the one who is the abode
of innocence and
the utmost straight forward nature.........,
the one with a baby like heart......,
the one who carries the most innocent and
sweetest smile ,
which soothes the aching
hearts of his loved ones..,
the one who is cov
ered with ashes of the sacrificial fire...,
the one who is white like snow...,
the one with hair untended in huge masses.., the one who is silent, the one who is remote from men,
the one with eyes filled with flowing mercy
the one who is the handsom
est of all,
the one who is the ideal of Manhood,
the one who is the embodime
nt of Godhead..,
the one who is the richest yet so simple and humble,
the one whose name makes ghosts and ghouls run immediately, fa
r, far away,
the one who is the most terrible
to the evil.., the strong protector of his bhakthas.., the one who won over death,
the one who is the killer of Cupid.,
the one who is the god of gods,
the one with five heads and three eyes...,
the one who is the destroyer of the puras,
the one who is the
lord of universe,
the one who is the lord of
the one who is the lord of science,
the one who is the lord of words,
the one with a blessed vo
the one who removes the ills of the world,
the on who lessens the burden of earth..,
the one with a sweet compassionate face,
the one to whom worlds are uttered and destroyed with every breath, which is nothing to Him,
the one who has wound serpents around His neck..,
the one who
is a refuge even to animals,
the one who is so pleas
ant ,
the doctor of the doctors,
the medicine of all diseases,
the one with the wondero
us third eye,
the one who is the consort of the sweetest and loving mot
sri Parvathy,
the one who is the Guru of the Gurus,
the one who wears the crescent on his head,
the one who carries shiva Ganga,
the one who is the embodiment of humility,
the one who leads us from the unreal to the real,
the one who
makes us brave enough to hug the form of death,
the one who makes us brave enough to dance in destruction's dance,
the one who is the emperor of the dancers,
the one from whom music originated,
the one who is different from all with firm individuality,
the one who is the m
ost lovable,
the one who is the most adored and respected,
the one who takes different forms to help his dear ones,
the one who is a perfect family man,
the one who sits absorbed in eternal meditation, the one who resides in the holy kailasa, the one who is so broad minded,
the one who is the em
bodiment of sacrifice,
the one with purest of pure hearts,
the one who is sincere of all,
the one who hear what our heart speak not what our tongue utters,
the one who stole the heart and love of the most beautiful gouri,
the one who walks with his bhaktha,
the one who plays with his bhaktha, the one who shares thoughts with his bhaktha, the one who is so generous in imparting knowledge,
the one who is a strict teacher,
the one who teach us the theory of love,
the one who protects our soul from the pollution of the world,
the one who lives in the heart of his
the one who will be t
here forever to be with you ,
the one who can burn sins with His mercy,
the one who r
ules the life after death,
the one who does
nt like the discrimination of beauty and ugliness,
the one who hates the discrimination of caste or creed, rich or poor,
the one who is against the discrimination of educated or uneducated,
the one who clearly draws the demarcation between 'jnaana' and 'vijnaana',
the one who is the most affectionate which makes him the best father in the three
so get hold of the lord of the three

No nectar in the world can ever be compared to the sweetness of his grace and love.Only pure water and a few grains of rice, and a green leaf or two may be offered to Him daily, for the Great God.. that is his simplicity and kindness
He never turns away.....
He accepts what all else rejects.....
He took the evil and pain of the world without a second thought when he drank the poison of material life to save us , to save this world and made his throat blue forever...
The oppressed, depressed, lonely, tired, the sinned, mad, eccentric,half witted, the crazed,ignored, betrayed,unlucky --for all of them there is room with Shiva."His love will embrace even the demoniac."
No words are ever enough to describe Him..


ഓം നമഃ ശിവായ


  1. seein this blog i feel lik i am prayin to the almighty..

  2. ഓം നമ:ശ്ശിവായ
    ബ്ലോഗ് നന്നായിരിക്കുന്നു,ചിത്രങ്ങളും.മുഖചിത്രം ഗംഭീരമായിട്ടുണ്ട്.
    എല്ലാ‍വിധ ആശംസകളും........
    ‘ശംഭോ മഹാദേവാ’

  3. ഓം നമ:ശ്ശിവായ
    it feels like my heart and mind and body is so soothed after reading this blog.i m feeling soo soo soo happy reading this blog.My heart has really cm to a floeating state. im sure lord shiva loves u a lot . SAMBHO MAHDEVA

  4. ഓം നമ:ശ്ശിവായ

  5. ഓം നമ:ശ്ശിവായ
    ശംഭോ മഹാദേവ

  6. Amazing saru..... I dont have words to say wat I feel after reading this "Bhajan"
    Keep updating ur blog :)

  7. ഓം നമ:ശ്ശിവായ
    ഏറ്റുമാനൂര്‍ മഹാദേവന്‍ ശരണം
    after going through this blog i feel like im floating in happiness. donn hv words to describe.. a special and rare feeling in mind. ammukutty u've made a lovely description of our lord. u r descriptions are so unique, so deep. waiting for more posts from u
    and one more thing rare pictures too

  8. i hve 1 small doubt.acordin to sanadana dharma ,d duty of Rudra is Samhara. But in reality Lord vishnu takes Avathara to kill d evils. even Rudran was saved by Vishnu from Bhasmasura.I thnk ,As a Siva upasaka u can clear my doubt.
